Monday, May 7, 2007

Who's the flip-flopper now?

Just a little tidbit. I never really liked John Kerry, but this is just something I've made a connection between during my multiple debates with friends and even enemies throughout the past few days.

Back in '03/'04, Bush said we went to Iraq to remove the terrorist threat that Saddam Hussein posed to America and to the rest of the world. Now, in 2007, Bush says we cannot leave Iraq because it will create a safe haven from which terrorists can launch attacks on us.

So the original reason we were in Iraq is because Saddam Hussein posed a threat to America, and the reason we're still there is because the lack of Saddam Hussein poses a threat to America!?

It makes perfect sense.

1 comment:

Brain said...

Salient point, amigo. Good stuff.

Here's the deal. They just want war. Those of us who don't like killing and maiming and making even more people hate us keep trying to reason with these people. But the fact is that they are making money from this, and they are drunk from the power. That's why they don't give a rat's if 72% of the American people are against it!